Respecting Your Privacy

Johns Hopkins understands that privacy with health information is paramount in helping to build trust. As we work with you to help manage your health concerns, we want you to know that we feel strongly about maintaining your confidentiality. Johns Hopkins does not share personal information about your health with your employer, your insurance company or any entity other than our service partners on the Balance team.

If my employees participate, how much information is shared with me or company leadership?

This employee health program is provided to your company by Johns Hopkins HealthCare. Only the employee will see the results of their emVitals questionnaire – not their managers, their family, or the company’s human resources team. And if the results of an employee’s questionnaire indicate that they are eligible to receive support from a Balance Care Concierge, the action plan that the employee develops with their Concierge is also confidential.

Does our company get any information regarding employee participation?

Employers receive only an “aggregate report” which does not include the names of those employees who participated in the questionnaire, the results of any particular questionnaire, or any other individual employee identification. Employers only see the total number of participants, by location, to make more informed choices about what other employee benefits are needed and to understand what programs their employees need and want. There is never any way for the employer to access an individual employee’s results or action plan for care.

If you’d like to read our Privacy Statement, please visit this webpage:

If you would like to better understand our Terms of Use, please visit this webpage: